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Gaid, D., Mate, K., Ahmed, S., Thomas, A. et Bussières, A. (2022, mai). Nationwide Environmental Scan of Knowledge Brokers Training. KT Canada Scientific Meeting. En ligne.
Gélinas, I. (2022, septembre). A functional perspective on staging dementia [conférencière invitée]. Celebrating World Alzheimer’s Day, McGill University Research Center for Studies in Aging, Montréal, Canada.
George, C., Rochette, A., Ataman, R., Renaud, S., St-Onge, C. et Thomas, A. (2022, août). Definitions and conceptualization of context- A scoping review. World Federation of Occupational Therapy International Congress, Paris, France.
Ghani, S.M., Levin, M.F., Misana, A., Boudrias, M.H., Thiel, A. et Wein, T. (2022, novembre). Early detection of spasticity in acute post-stroke patients. World Congress in Neurorehabilitation, Vienna, Austria.
Girourd, J., Norton-Gartner, J., Tinmouth, L., Welik, J, Truong, M.-T. et Gélinas, I. (2022, avril). The Development of Evidence-Based, Caregiver and Clinician-informed Educational Videos about Wheelchair Transportation Principles [conférencier invité]. ADED Ontario Chapter Meeting, Ottawa, Canada.
Glaude, M. et Bloom, G.A. (2022, July). Professional gridiron football players’ perspectives of coaching and group dynamics in subgroups. 16th annual European Congress of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC), Padova, Italie.
Henderson, S., Lefebvre, J.S., Salomie, A., Kim, J., Heath, N.L. et Bloom, G.A. (2022, July). A mental health awareness program for elite male adolescent hockey players: Impact on levels of stigma. 16th annual European Congress of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC), Padova, Italie.
Hudon, A., Herrera Fortin, T., Juneau, A., Cleaver, S. et Hunt, M. (2022, juin). “L’éthique de tous les jours” en réadaptation : comment les équipes cliniques interdisciplinaires vivent-elles et gèrent-elles les enjeux éthiques de leur pratique? 4e congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation. La réadaptation dans une vision de sante durable, Sherbrooke, Canada.
Hunt, M. (2022, décembre). Exploring ethics in global health research [conférencier invité]. Insight Nights Series for McGill Global Health Scholars, McGill University, Montréal, Canada.
Hunt, M. (2022, juin). Research amidst crisis: Ethics of mental health research in disasters and armed conflict [conférencier invité]. Summer Institute in Global Mental Health, McGill University Montréal, Canada.
Hunt, M. (2022, juin). What sort(s) of ethics for rehabilitation? [conférencier invité]. Summer Institute in Disability and Rehabilitation, McGill University. Montréal, Canada.
Hunt, M. (2022, mai). Humanitarian action and ethics [conférencier invité]. Summer Institute on Global Health and Infectious Diseases: Humanitarian Action, McGill University, Montréal, Canada.
Hunt, M. (2022, novembre). Global health rehabilitation initiative: Advancing global health in rehab & rehab in global health [conférencier invité]. Montreal Children’s Hospital, Grand Rounds. Montréal, Canada.
Iqbal, M.Z., Thomas, A., George, C., Renaud, J.S., Rochette, A. et St-Onge, C. (2022, août). Development of a tool to measure the contextual factors likely to influence professional competencies of healthcare professionals. AMEE Conference, Lyon, France. En ligne.
Khalili, R., Kehayia, E. et Roig, M. (2022, octobre). Language Performance and Exercise in Older Adults: A Scoping Review. International Conference on Mental Lexicon, Niagara, Canada.
Kraft, V.S., Cristini, J., Hermsdörfer, J., Roig, M. et Steib, S. (2022, septembre). Acute effects of high-intensity interval training on explicit and implicit motor memory. Annual meeting of the DVS. Germany.
Kraft, V.S., Cristini, J., Hermsdörfer, J., Roig, M. et Steib, S. (2022, mars). Acute effects of high-intensity interval training on explicit and implicit motor memory [En ligne]. 22nd DVS Conference, Germany.
Lamontagne, A. (2023, février). Virtual reality applications for the assessment and training of complex locomotor tasks [conférencière invitée]. Hôpital Raymond Poincaré, GHU Paris Saclay, Paris, France.
Lamontagne, A. (2022). Virtual reality paradigms to investigate the impact of socio-cognitive factors on biomechanics and visuomotor behaviour during locomotion.World. Congress of Biomechanics, Taiwan, Province of China.
Lefebvre, J.S., Alexander, D., Sweet, S.N. et Bloom, G.A. (2022, May). Examining the developmental networks within a wheelchair rugby team [affiche]. Annual conference of the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA), Hawaii, États-Unis.
Levin, M.F., Misana, A., Boudrias, M.H., Thiel, A. et Wien, T. (2022, avril). Early diagnosis of spasticity in acute post-stroke patients. The American Society of Neurorehabilitation (ASNR), Annual meeting. April 2022, St-Louis, États-Unis.
Liska, T., Flaro, H., Stever, M. et Sweet, S.N. (2022, septembre). “A drive to remain active”: A case study of an adult with spinal cord injury physical activity maintenance during the COVID-19 pandemic [affiche]. International Spinal Cord Injury Society (ISCoS) 61st Annual Scientific Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Lungoci, G., Yan, X., Chatterjee, R., Morales-Fajardo, K.M. et Boudrias, M.H. (20222, juin). Effects of non-invasive brain stimulation on movement-related beta desynchronization and beta bursts after a stroke: protocol presentation. 4th Quebec Congress in Adaptation-Rehabilitation Research. Scientific Event REPAR-INTER, Sherbrooke, Canada.
Majnemer, A. (2022, août). Getting on target: Aiming for authentic patient-oriented research. Quebec Autism Research Training Program (QART) 5th Annual Summer School, Transforming Autism Care Consortium, Montréal, Canada.
Majnemer, A. (2022, janvier). Telerehabilitation for children and youth with disabilities: Evidence and perspectives. Children’s Healthcaer Canada Webinar.
Majnemer, A. (2022, mars). Dialogue Series Discussion. Neglecting Canada’s children with disabilities and their families. Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.
Mak, S., Razack, S., Riccio, S., Root, K., Hunt, M. et Thomas, A. (2022, août). Exploring the phenomena of attrition and retention in Occupational Therapy: findings from a scoping review. World Federation of Occupational Therapy International Congress, Paris, France.
Marceau, M., Ouellet, K., Thomas, A., Renaud, J.-S., Vachon Lachiver, E. et St-Onge, C. (2022, avril). Évaluation des apprentissages : portrait des pratiques de validation des professeurs en sciences de la santé. 21e Rencontre scientifique annuelle du CPSS, Sherbrooke, Canada.
Marshall, S., Bédard, M., Vrkljan, B., Tuokko, H., Porter, M.M., Naglie, G., Rapoport, M.J., Mazer, B., Gélinas, I., Gagnon, S., Charlton, J.L., Koppel, S., MacLeay, L., Myers, A., Mallick, R., Ramsay, T., Stiell, I., Wells, G. et Man-Son-Hing, M. (2022, juin). The Candrive Older Driver Risk Stratification Tool. Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP), Sudbury, Canada.
Marshall, S., Bédard, M., Vrkljan, B., Tuokko, H., Porter, M.M., Naglie, G., Rapoport, M.J., Mazer, B., Gélinas, I., Gagnon, S., Charlton, J.L., Koppel, S., MacLeay, L., Myers, A., Mallick, R., Ramsay, T., Stiell, I., Wells, G. et Man-Son-Hing, M. Preliminary validation of the Candrive Older Driver Risk Stratification Tool. Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP), Sudbury, Canada.
Martinez Villar, G., Maschke, C., Lee, U., Blain-Moraes, S. et Duclos, C. (2022, juillet). Network criticality and its anesthetic-induced changes are associated with level of consciousness in disorders of consciousness [affiche]. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness 25, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
Maschke, C., Duclos, C. et Blain-Moraes, S. (2022, juillet). Propofol-induced changes in EEG aperiodic component has diagnostic value for patients in disorders of consciousness [affiche]. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness 25, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
Maschke, C., Duclos, C. et Blain-Moraes, S. (2022, mai). Using anesthesia to predict recovery of consciousness in unresponsive patients. Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies, Venise, Italie.
Maschke, C., Duclos, C., Mashour, G.A. et Blain-Moraes, S. (2022, juin). Propofol-induced changes in EEG aperiodic component has diagnostic value for patients in disorders of consciousness [affiche]. Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives Student Symposium, Montréal, Canada.
Mazer, B. et Feldman, D. (2022, mai). An Analysis of Rehabilitation Needs for Persons Post-COVID-19 Infection/ Une analyse des besoins de réadaptation des personnes ayant contracté l'infection par le COVID-19. 5e journée de la recherche 2022 du CISSS de Laval. En ligne.
Mazer, B., Gélinas, I., Van Niekerk, L., Dickerson, A.E., Harris, P., Margot-Cattin, I., Stapleton, T., Swanepoel, L., Unsworth, C. et Vrkljan, B.H. (2022, août). Community mobility and changes in out-of-home participation in older adults: An international study. World Federation of Occupational Therapists Conference 2022, France.
Mohamed, A., Roux, J., Liu, D., Virdi, M., Mohapratra, S. et Hunt, M. (2022, novembre). Community based rehabilitation in settings of humanitarian crises [conférencier invité]. Manipal McGill Symposium on Rehabilitation Research. Manipal, India. Format hybride.
Morales-Fajardo, K.M., Yan, X., Chatterjee, R., Lungoci, G., Mitsis, G.D. et Boudrias, M.H. (2022, juin). Non-invasive brain stimulation to modulate beta oscillatory patterns during a motor task in healthy older adults: a protocol presentation. 4th Quebec Congress in Adaptation-Rehabilitation Research. Scientific Event REPAR-INTER, Sherbrooke, Canada.
Movahed, M., Rue, I., Yoo, P., Sogomonian, T., Majnemer, A. et Shikako, K. (2022, septembre). Participation in leisure through inclusive online activities in the time of a pandemic [affiche]. 76th Annual Meeting of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, Mirage Las Vegas, États-Unis.
Ogourtsova, T., Majnemer, A. et Illiopoulos, G. (2022). NATIONAL WEBINAR: Telerehabilitation for children and youth with disabilities: Evidence and perspectives [conférencière invitée]. Children’s Healthcare Canada SPARK LIVE, Canada.
Ogourtsova, T., O'Donnell, E.M., Filliter, J., Wittmeier, K. et Majnemer, A. (2022, octobre). The BRIGHT Coaching program for caregivers of children with emerging developmental delays: Perspectives, satisfaction with, and reported impacts of the program. American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine 76th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, États-Unis.
Osman, A., Belchior, P. et Gélinas, I. (2022, août). Assessment of function among Older Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease. World Federation of Occupational Therapists Conference 2022, France.
Osman, A., Belchior, P. et Gélinas, I. (2022, mai). Bariers to Functional Assessment among Older Adults with Neurocognitive Disorders. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapist Conference 2022, Canada. En ligne.
Papich, M.C., Bloom, G.A. et Dohme, L-C. (2022, July). Exploring how experienced tennis coaches developed high-quality relationships with their elite youth athletes. 16th annual European Congress of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC), Padova, Italie.
Park, M. (2022, novembre). Errantry in the arriére-pays: Neurodiversity and the perplexing particulars of connectivity. Panel: Unsettling Our Given Grounds: Wandering In The Arrière-Pays, American Anthropology Association Conference, Seattle, États-Unis.
Park, M. (2022, octobre). Connectivity as prevention and the role of immersive technologies [conférencier invité]. Institute for Advanced Study-Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg HWK International Symposium, Delmenhorst, Allemagne.
Park, M. (2022, septembre). Sensory-social barriers: A neurodivergent perspective [conférencier invité]. International Network of Networks for Well-Being in the Built Environment (IN2WIBE) Panel. En ligne.
Park, M., Lee K., Thomas, A. et Fogelberg, D. (2022, août). The social imaginary: Implications for occupational justice. WOSC World Occupational Science Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Park, M., Sénéchal, C., Solis, A., Lajeunesse, M., Aglietta, A., Silverberg, P. et Le Bourdais, M.-C. (2022). Addressing stigma through shared activities & events: A mixed methods participatory, ethnographic project for building an intersectoral community for persons living with Alzheimer’s and their carers [affiche]. Alzheimers Disease International Conference, London UK-online hybrid.
Park, M., Valente, T., Yang, S., Walsh, C., Sinn, A., Lee, K., Francioni, A. et Belchior, P. (2022, août). Reenvisioning “dementia”: A transformative public health initiative to (re)imagine local meaning/s. World Occupational Science Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Pastore, O.L., Hennig, L., Hawley, S., Clarke, T.Y., Flaro, H., Scahefer, L., Gainforth, H.L. et Sweet, S.N. (2022, septembre). The complexity of SCI peer mentorship programs: Organizational perspectives and considerations. International Spinal Cord Injury Society (ISCoS) 61st Annual Scientific Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Pastore, O.L., Liska, T.M., Desjourdy, R., Freilich, L., Ceh, C. et Sweet, S.N. (2022, octobre). Examining the preliminary effects of an adapted physical activity program on physical activity among students and staff with physical disabilities. Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) conference.
Piscitelli, D., Banina, M.C., Lam, T.K., Allen, K.-A., Chen, J.L. et Levin M.F. (2022, décembre). A new measure of reaching movement quality accounting for motor compensation in individuals with stroke: the trunk-based index of performance. World Conference of Neurorehabilitation (WCNR), Vienne, Autriche.
Piscitelli. D., Baniña, M.C., Lam, T.K., Allen, K.-A., Chen, J.L. et Levin, M.F. (2022, avril). A novel trunk-based index of performance as a biomarker of upper limb motor impairment in stroke. American Society of Neurorehabilitation, St. Louis Missouri, États-Unis.
Raats, J., Feys, P., Gysemberg, G., Ferdinand, S., Levin, M.F. et Lamers, I. (2022, octobre). Psychometric properties of the modified Reaching Performance Scale in persons with Multiple Sclerosis. 38th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis – Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS – RIMS 2022), Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
Raats, J., Feys, P., Gysemberg, G., Ferdinand, S., Levin, M.F. et Lamers I. (2022, décembre). Interrelatedness of trunk, shoulder and upper limb performance during reaching movements in persons with Multiple Sclerosis. World Conference of Neurorehabilitation (WCNR), Vienne, Autriche.
Rajda, C.M., Berman, S., Levy-Tzedek, S., Archambault, P.S., Jahromi, F.G. et Levin, M.F. (2022, avril). Feasibility of error augmentation feedback for upper limb rehabilitation in stroke survivors. American Society of Neurorehabilitation, St. Louis Missouri, États-Unis.
Rajda, C.M., Wiseman, A., Berman, S. Levy-Tzedek, S., Archambault, P. et Levin, M.F. (2022, décembre). Implicit motor learning with short-term training paradigm using enhanced intrinsic feedback in stroke survivors. World Conference of Neurorehabilitation (WCNR), Vienne, Autriche.
Rocchi, M. et Sweet, S.N. (2022, octobre). Exercise motivation for non-exercisers - challenges and considerations when using the behavioural regulation in exercise questionnaire (BREQ). Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) conference.
Roig, M. (2022, août). Cerebrovascular and cardiovascular benefits of exercise [conférencier invité]. The Physiological Society Symposium, Cardiff, Grande-Bretagne.
Roig, M. (2022, avril). Exercise prescription in stroke [conférencier invité]. McGill Exercise is Medicine Symposium, Montréal, Canada.
Roig, M. (2022, avril). Exercise to improve memory and learning: mechanistic and clinical insights [conférencier invité]. Damian Moore Memorial Lecture, University of Mississipi, États-Unis.
Roig, M. (2022, décembre). Exercise to improve sleep in PD [conférencier invité]. PD Care Partners, Cummings Center, Montréal, Canada.
Saadawi, N., Best, K., Borisoff, J., Sweet, S.N., Routhier, F. et Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K. (2022, mai). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cardiovascular risk indicators and social participation among Canadians with spinal cord injury [affiche]. The American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, États-Unis.
Saadawi, N., Best, K.L., Périnet-Lacroix, R., Légaré, M., Serres-Lafontaine, A., Pastore, O.L. et Sweet, S.N. (2022, octobre). Exploring kinesiologists' needs at two community-based organizations for people with disabilities. Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) conference.
Saadawi, N., Sweet, S.N., Routhier, F., Borisoff, J., Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K. et Best, K. (2022, septembre). Exploring Physical Activity in Adults with Spinal Cord Injury: Active Living Lifestyle for individuals who use Wheelchairs (ALLWheel) [affiche]. International Spinal Cord Injury Society (ISCoS) 61st Annual Scientific Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Scarlat, K.A., Ghani, S.M., Levin, M.F., Misana, A., Boudrias, M-H., Thiel, A. et Wein, T. (2022, décembre). Early detection of spasticity in acute post-stroke patients. World Conference of Neurorehabilitation (WCNR), Vienne, Autriche.
Shi, Z., Comeau J., Caron, J. G., Lepage P. et Sweet, S.N. (2022, septembre). Navigating the grey area between mentorship and friendship: Using a creative non-fiction approach to explore peer mentoring relationships between individuals living with SCI. The 61st International Spinal Cord Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Simard, M., Maiya, A., Mohaptra, S., Lencucha, R., Jodoin, S., Kolkura, P. et Hunt, M. (2022, novembre). Disability inclusion in climate change adaptation and disaster risk management [conférencier invité]. Manipal McGill Symposium on Rehabilitation Research. Manipal, India. Format hybride.
Steins, R., Bloom, G.A. et Caron, J.G. (2022, October). Exploring female athlete experiences of coping with protracted concussion symptoms [affiche]. 37th annual conference of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP), Fort Worth, États-Unis.
Sweet, S.N. (2022, mai). Spinal cord injury peer mentor characteristics & strategies to optimize peer support. Peer support – let’s do it well! Workshop at the 17th meeting of the Nordic Spinal Cord Society, Stockholm, Suède. En ligne.
Sweet, S.N., McBride, C.M., Comeau, J. et Maffin, J. (2022, septembre). Peer support: How to create and evaluate its magic? Psychological Special Interest Group Pre-Conference Meeting – International Spinal Cord Social 2022 Scientific meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Tchoumi, C., Levin, M.F. et Feldman, A.G. (2022, avril). Role of the vestibular system in the control of locomotion. American Society of Neurorehabilitation, St. Louis Missouri, États-Unis.
Thomas, A. (2022, août). Enhancing knowledge translation- evidence into practice [conférencière invitée]. Presented at the World Federation of Occupational Therapists Congress Education Day, Paris, France.
Thomas, A. (2022, avril). A stroll down the EBM memory lane: implications for medical education 30 years after the movement’s inception [conférencière invitée]. Best Practice in Education Rounds (BPER) are cohosted by the Centre for Faculty Development, The Wilson Centre and the Centre for Interprofessional Education. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Thomas, A. (2022, décembre). The trials and tribulations of moving evidence into practice: the promise of knowledge translation. 10th Canadian Optometry School Research Conference, Montréal, Québec.
Thomas, A. (2022, novembre). Moderator and speaker. Addressing the Needs of an Aging Population through Health Professions Education: The Role of Implementation Science [conférencière invitée]. National Academies of Science. Science, Engineering and Medicine. Global forum on Innovation and health Professions Education. En ligne.
Thomas, A. (2022, novembre). Webinar. Adopting Evidence into Practice – Strategies to bring your practice into closer alignment with evidence. Lunchtime Webinar for the College of Physiotherapists of Alberta, Canada.
Thomas, A. (2022, octobre). Clinical decision making with and without randomized clinical trials: A matter of risk-benefit? [conférencière invitée]. HEmostatic REsuscitation and Trauma Induced Coagulopathy (HERETIC) Symposium, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, États-Unis.
Thomas, A., Ahmed, S., St-Onge, C. et and Rochette, A. (2022, décembre). How partnerships between education, practice and policy are breaking down silos and helping to optimize implementation: lessons from rehabilitation research [affiche]. Building the Future of Dissemination and Implementation Science". 15th Annual Dissemination and Implementation Conference, Washington, DC., États-Unis.
Thomas, A., Iqbal, M.Z., Mayo, N., Valois, M.F., Bussieres, A., Ahmed, S., Letts, L., Macdermid, J., Ogourtsova, T., Polatajko, H., Rappolt, S., Debigare, R., Salbach, N. et Rochette, A. (2022, décembre). Exploring individual and organizational factors associated with evidencebased practice among occupational and physical therapists: a longitudinal mixed methods national study [affiche]. Building the Future of Dissemination and Implementation Science. 15th Annual Dissemination and Implementation Conference, Washington, DC, États-Unis.
Thomas, A., Kuper, A., Chin-Yee, B. et Park, M. (2022, août). What is 'shared' in shared decision-making? Philosophical perspectives, epistemic justice and implications for occupational therapy education. World Federation of Occupational Therapy International Conference, Paris, France.
Thomas, K., Chandra, A., Yamaguchi, S., Cardoso, R., Lencucha, R., Hunt, M., Jodoin, S., Hudon, A., Elsabbagh, M., Cogburn, D. et Martens, R. (2022, juin). Disability Rights in the Provincial Mental Health Policy Responses for Youth with Disabilities and their Families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research Conference. En ligne.
Trépanier, L., Nadeau, S., Fortier-Hébert, J., Higgins, J. Kehayia, E., Poldma, T., Saj, A. et de Guise, E. (2022, juin). Impacts d’une visite muséale sur la douleur, la fatigue, le stress et le bien-être à la suite d’un accident vasculaire cérébral: Étude de faisabilité. REPAR, Sherbrooke, Canada.
Vadot, E., Shapiro, M., Mancini, V., Bergeron, M.D., Mazer, B., Merilees, A. et Patel, H. (2022, mai). School bus transportation for students in wheelchairs: Perspectives of parents/ caregivers, healthcare professionals and students. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Conference, Whistler, Canada.Vakil, P., Ferré, P., Higgins, J., Beaulieu, L.D., Vincent, C., Zidarov, D., Singerman, K., Zidarov, D., Milot, M.H. et Boudrias, M.H. (2022, juin). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the post-stroke rehabilitation care among individuals admitted to COVID-19 designated centers in Quebec. 2nd Edition of the Scientific Day in Rehabilitation Research, CIUSSS Montréal West Central, Site Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay, Montréal, Canada.
Vakil, P., Ferré, P., Higgins, J., Beaulieu, L.D., Vincent, C., Zidarov, D., Singerman, K., Zidarov, D., Milot, M.H. et Boudrias, M.H. (2022, avril). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rehabilitation outcomes and care post-stroke in Quebec. The American Society of Neurorehabilitation (ASNR), Annual meeting, St-Louis, États-Unis.
Vakil, P., Milot, M.H., Higgins, J., Beaulieu, L.D., Vincent, C., Zidarov, D., Singerman, K., Ferré, P. et Boudrias, M.H. (2022, juin). Concerted study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the delivery and outcomes of rehabilitation care among patients admitted in COVID-19 designated centers in the province of Québec. 4th Quebec Congress in Adaptation-Rehabilitation Research. Scientific Event REPAR-INTER, Sherbrooke, Canada.
Vakil, P., Milot, M.H., Higgins, J., Beaulieu, L.D., Vincent, C., Zidarov, D., Singerman, K., Ferré, P. et Boudrias, M.H. (2022, mai). The impact of the COVID19 pandemic on rehabilitation care in the province of Quebec. Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress. En ligne.
Vingron, N., Azevedo, N., Jarema G, Fung, J., Sorrento, G., Lee, S., Khalili, R., Lamontagne, A., Atchley, R., Atchley, P., Järvikivi, J., Titone, D., Libben, G. et Kehayia, E. (2022, octobre). The impact of walking and visual distraction on lexicality judgements in single and multitask settings. International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Niagara on the Lake, Ontatio, Canada.
Vrkljan, B., Bayat,S., Gélinas, I., Chen, Y-T., Angrar, R., Brown, M. et Derafshi, R. (2022, juillet). Using in-vehicle technology to ‘coach’ older adults on their behind-the-wheel skills: A proof-of-concept study. Human-Computer Iinteraction Internation, Copenhague, Danemark.
Vrkljan, B., Unsworth, C., Patomella, A-E., Margot-Cattin, I., Dickerson, Van Niekerk, L., Swanepoel, L., Stapleton, T., Harris, P., Gélinas, I., Mazer, B. et Choi, MJ. (2022, août). Advancing the role of occupational therapy for lifelong community mobility: building global bridges. World Federation of Occupational Therapists Conference 2022, France.
Yan, X., Chatterjee, R., Lungoci, G., Mitsis, G.D. et Boudrias, M.H. (2022, juin). Investigation of coupling in brain oscillations during the acquisition phase of a unimanual motor task. HBHL Research Day, Montréal, Canada.
Yan, X., Mitsis, G.D. et Boudrias, M.H. (2022, juin). Entrainment of phase-amplitude coupling patterns with transcranial alternating current stimulation. OHBM, 28th Annual Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland.
Yan, X., Mitsis, G.D. et Boudrias, M.H. (2022, juin). Investigating the effects of transcranial alternating current stimulation on motor task performance: a pilot study. QBIN Scientific Day, Sherbrooke, Canada.
Yoo, P., Thomas-Shikako, K. et Majnemer, A. (2022, septembre). Validating the content and estimating the feasibility of the Child Community Health Inclusion Index: An evaluation tool for measuring health inclusion of children with disabilities in the community [affiche]. 76th Annual Meeting of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, Mirage Las Vegas, États-Unis.
Young, M.E., Dory, V., Thomas, A., Lubarsky, S., Torabi, N., Banji F. et Durning, S. (2022, novembre). A concept analysis of ambiguity, uncertainty, and complexity in clinical reasoning: A Scoping review. Montreal International Conference on Clinical Reasoning, Montreal, Canada.
Young, M.E., Thomas, A., Da Sliva, A., Lubarsky, S., Gruppen, L., Gordon, D., Dory, V., Ratcliffe, T., Rencic, J., Ballard, T., Schuwirth, L. et Durning, S. (2022, novembre). The definition(s) of clinical reasoning in the health professions. Montreal International Conference on Clinical Reasoning, Montreal, Canada.
Zaccagnini, M., Bussières, A., Mak, S., Boruff, J., West, A. et Thomas, A. (2022, août). Features of scholarly practice in healthcare professionals: a scoping review. The Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), Lyon, France. En ligne.
Agami, S., Sror, L., Levy-Tzedek, S., I. Treger, Vered, M.l., Levin, M.F. et Berman, S. (2021, décembre). Individualized joint error augmentation treatment for patients with stroke. Israeli Association of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (IAPRM), Jerusalem, Israel.
Alexander, D., Duncan, L.R. et Bloom, G.A. (2021, juin). They may not all be sweet, inspiration, and saintly figures”: Examining societal perceptions of parasport coaches in the newspaper media [En ligne]. Annual conference of the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA), USA.
Alexander, D., Duncan, L.R. et Bloom, G.A. (2021, octobre). Using a critical discourse analysis to explore dominant discourses of coaching parasport athletes over a 20-year time span. Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS), Ottawa, Ontario.
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Archambault, P. (2021). Virtual Reality for Wheelchair Skill Training. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation, Philadelphia, United States.
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Ataman, R., Ahmed, S. et Thomas, A. (2021, juin). How and to what extent is the use of the Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory sustained? An investigation of sustainability processes and outcomes [En ligne]. CRIR Scientific Congress, Montreal, Canada.
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Augeard, N., Boseck, G., Miller, J., Walton, D., Tousignant-Laflamme, Y., Hudon, A., Bussières, A., Cooper, L., Mcniven, N., Thomas, A., Singer, L., Scoj M Fishman, Bement, M.H., Hush, J.M., Sluka, K.A., Waj-Watson, J., Carlesso, L.C., Sinead Dufour, Fletcher, R., … Wideman, T.H. (2021). Creating a Pain Management Competency Profile to Guide Canadian PT Programs [Affiche]. http://rgdoi.net/10.13140/RG.2.2.14274.50887
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Bolduc, M.E., Rennick, J., Gagnon, I., Brossard-Racine, M. et Majnemer, A. (2021, juin). Developmental follow-up practices for children with congenital heartdefects: A national environmental scan [Affiche]. International KT Conference in Rehabilitation, Montreal, Canada.
Bolduc, M.E., Rennick, J., Gagnon, I., Brossard-Racine, M. et Majnemer, A. (2021, juin). Developmental follow-up practices for children with congenital heart defects: A national environmental scan [Affiche]. Canadian Student Health Research Forum.
Bolduc, M.E., Rennick, J., Gagnon, I., Brossard-Racine, M. et Majnemer, A. (2021, novembre). Perspectives of youth with congenital heart defects on their developmental follow-up throughout childhood [En ligne]. Congrès Provincial de la Recherche Mère-Enfant.
Bolduc, M.E., Rennick, J., Gagnon, I., Brossard-Racine, M. et Majnemer, A. (2021, novembre). Perspectives of youth with congenital heart defects on their developmental follow-up throughout childhood [En ligne]. 10th Annual Scientific Sessions of Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative.
Bolduc, M.E., Rennick, J., Gagnon, I., Majnemer, A. et Brossard-Racine, M. (2021, novembre). Navigating the Health Care System with a Child with CHD: A Parental Perspective on the Canadian Developmental Follow-Up Practices [En ligne]. 10th Annual Scientific Sessions of Cardiac Neurodevelopment Outcome Collaborative.
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Boychuck, Z., Andersen, J., Bussières, A., Fehlings, D., Kirton, A., Oskoui, M., Rodriguez, C., Shevell, M., Snider, L., Majnemer, A. et Group, P. (2021, juin). Towards creation of a knowledge translation tool for primary care providers to improve referral practices for young children with cerebral palsy [Affiche]. International KT Conference in Rehabilitation, Montreal, Canada.
Boychuck, Z., Ogourtsova, T., Kairy, D., Wittich, W., Majnemer, A. et Ahmed, S. (2021, octobre). Creation of evidence-based resources to support pediatric healthcare professionals in adapting practices to include telehealth. 75th Annual Meeting of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
Boychuck, Z., Ogourtsova, T., Znaty, A., Norouzi-Gheidari, N., Kairy, D., Wittich, W., Majnemer, A. et Ahmed, S. (2021, juin). Evidence for telehealth use across adult clinical contexts, and on the impact of COVID-19 on clinical practice and policy: A rapid review [En ligne]. International KT Conference in Rehabilitation, Montreal, QC.
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Chatterjee, R., Lungoci, G., Yan, X., He, L., Mitsis, G.D. et Boudrias, M.H. (2021, mai). Evidence of Age-related Changes in Characteristics of Beta Bursts in the Motor Cortex During Unimanual Movement [En ligne]. Scientific Event REPAR-INTER.
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Chatterjee, R., Lungoci, G., Yan, X., Mitsis, G.D. et Boudrias, M.H. (2021, juin). Age-related Changes in Burst Rate of Beta Oscillations During Bimanual Movement. NeuroSymposium, Montreal, Canada.
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Cristini, J., Kraft, V., Heras, L., Rupp, F., Salib, J., Parwanta, Z., Rodrigues, L., Wanner, P., Steib, S. et Roig, M. (2021, juin). Exercise has divergent effects on declarative and non-declarative memory. CRIR Scientific Congress: « Catalyst of Innovation for Tomorrow’s Rehabilitation ».
Cristini, J., Rodrigues, L., Medeiros, D., Centeno, C., Las Heras, B., Dagher, A., Bherer, L., Doyon, J. et Roig, M. (2021, mai). The synergistic effect exercise and dopamine improve motor memory in people with Parkinson’s disease. Quebec Parkinson’s General Assembly.
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Dickerson, A., Gélinas, I., Harries, P., Margot-Cattin, I., Mazer, B., Stapleton, T., Swanepoel, L., Timmer, A., Unsworth, C., Niekerk, L. et Vrkljan, B. (2021, mai). An international study of community mobility patterns of older adults. National Office for Traffic Medicine Research Webinar.
Dionne, E., Bolduc, M.E., Majnemer, A., Beauchamp, M. et Brossard-Racine, M. (2021). Academic challenges in Developmental Coordination Disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Rehabilitation Research Colloquium.
Dionne, E., Bolduc, M.E., Majnemer, A., Beauchamp, M. et Brossard-Racine, M. (2021, juin). Les difficultés académiques des enfants ayant un Trouble Développemental de la Coordination : Une revue systématique et méta-analyse [Affiche]. 4e édition de la Journée de la Recherche, Montréal, Canada.
Dionne, E., Bolduc, M.-E., Majnemer, A., Beauchamp, M. et Brossard-Racine, M. (2021, juin). Academic challenges in Developmental Coordination Disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD).
Duclos, C. et Blain-Moraes, S. (2021, juin). Predicting recovery of consciousness in intensive care units: A protocol for establishing neurophysiological evidence for treatment of acute brain injury. Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG) Spring Meeting.
Duclos, C. et Blain-Moraes, S. (2021, juin). Using anesthesia to predict recovery of consciousness in unresponsive pediatric patients. Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG) Spring Meeting.
Duclos, C., Kim, H., Mashour, G.A., Owen, A.M., Lee, U. et Blain-Moraes, S. (2021, juin). Deviations from criticality in disorders of consciousness. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC).
Duclos, C., Mahdid, Y., Maschke, C., Nadin, D., Rokos, A., Arbour, C., Badawy, M., Letourneau, J., Owen, A.M., Plourde, G. et Blain-Moraes, S. (2021, juin). Brain’s reconfiguration to anesthesia predicts recovery in coma and disorders of consciousness. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC).
Duclos, C., Maschke, C., Mahdid, Y., Nadin, D., Rokos, A., Badawy, M., Letourneau, J., Arbour, C., Plourde, G. et Blain-Moraes, S. (2021). Propofol-induced network reconfiguration can predict recovery of consciousness: A pilot study using 18-channel EEG in unresponsive patients. 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care.
Eilayyan, O., Thomas, A., Hallé, M.C., Tibbles, A., Jacobs, C., Ahmed, S., Schneider, M.J., Al Zoubi, F., Lee, J., Myrtos, D., Long, C. et Bussieres, A. (2021, juin). Promoting the use of a self-management strategy among novice chiropractors treating individuals with spine pain: A mixed methods pilot clustered-clinical trial [Affiche, En ligne]. International KT Conference in Rehabilitation, Montréal, Canada.
Fehlings, D., Friel, K., Majnemer, A., Lam Damji, S. et Makino, A. (2021, octobre). Establishing a baby constraint induced movement therapy program at your centre: An implementation course. 75th Annual Meeting of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
Fiset, F., Lamontagne, A. et McFadyen, B.J. (2021). The effects of the movements of a virtual pedestrian on circumvention: Comparison between healthy