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  • Vaccination campaign against respiratory infections

    The vaccination campaign against respiratory infections aims to offer the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine free of charge to the entire population, and to certain groups, the pneumococcal infection vaccine and the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine.

    This seasonal campaign is now over.

    Vaccine Information

    For more information about vaccines against respiratory diseases, please refer to the following pages:

    Co-administration of vaccines

    You can receive both the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine during the same vaccination session.

    Flu and COVID-19 vaccines administered at the same time offer the same level of protection against illness as when they are given a few days or weeks apart. No specific issues have been reported following the administration of these vaccines in the same session.

    Additionally, during your vaccination appointment, the pneumococcal infection vaccine may also be offered to you.


    Tips to Limit the Spread of Respiratory Viruses

    To limit the spread of respiratory viruses as much as possible, the following measures are recommended:


    • Wash your hands frequently with warm water and soap for 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based solution if water and soap are not available.
    • If symptoms appear, it is important to reduce contact with others, cough into your elbow, immediately dispose of tissues after use, and increase the frequency of hand washing.
    • If you have a fever, it is recommended to stay home.
    • If you have symptoms such as cough, sore throat, or nasal congestion, it is recommended to wear a mask during social interactions.

    See Also