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  • I’m a woman between the ages of 25 and 39

    Ask for the following preventive care

    Woman between the ages of 25 and 39

    For all women your age:

    Life habits

    Discuss your needs for contraception and folic acid.

    Ask if you need screening tests for the following sexually transmitted or blood-borne infections: chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV. Ask your doctor about how to reduce your risk of getting these infections.

    Ask to have your weight, height and waist circumference measured. Ask your doctor whether you have a healthy weight.

    Ask for advice on how to eat better and move more, especially if you have:

    • Excess weight
    • High blood pressure
    • Diabetes or prediabetes
    • High cholesterol
    • Cardiovascular disease
    • Depression
    • Cancer

    Have your blood pressure checked at least every two years.

    Ask for a screening test for cervical cancer (Pap test).

    Generally, this test should be done every three years. However, some women need this test more often, while others don’t need it at all. Talk to your doctor.

    Discuss your risk of developing diabetes. If you have a high risk, a screening test will be recommended. /typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altTextTake the CANRISK questionnaire to know your diabetes risk level.

    Flu shots

    Ask for your yearly flu shot. Ask whether you should also get vaccinated for:

    • Tetanus
    • Haemophilus influenzae type b
    • Hepatitis A and B
    • Meningococcal disease
    • HPV

    If your doctor suggests a new exam, treatment or procedure,

     ask the following 4 questions:

    1. Do I really need this exam, treatment or procedure?
    2. What are the drawbacks?
    3. Are there simpler and safer options?
    4. What happens if I do nothing?

    If you are regularly taking medication or supplements,

    ask your doctor if you still need to take them.

    For some women your age, depending on personal and family risk factors:

    If you smoke, ask for help to overcome your addiction to nicotine.

    Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your health. With the support of a health professional, you will maximize your chances of success.

    If you feel sad or discouraged or have little interest in life, discuss this with your doctor.

    If games of chance or gambling are creating problems in your life, ask your doctor for help.

    If alcohol, cannabis, medications or other drugs are creating problems in your life, ask your doctor for help.

    If you are the victim of violence, abuse or neglect, tell your doctor.

    If a family member has had colon, breast or ovarian cancer, tell your doctor. Your doctor may recommend additional screening tests.

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