Major floods typically occur in spring during snowmelt, periods of heavy rainfall, or in winter when ice formation blocks a watercourse. A rapid and significant rise in water levels can also occur during dam breaches.
Protection and prevention
Prepare and protect yourself from health and safety issues in case of flooding.
- Refer to the guide
In case of flood
- Stay clear of electrical accidents:
Safety and electricity – what to do in case of a flood (Hydro-Québec)
- Risks of carbon monoxide poisoning. Take care when using gas or propane pumps and generators:
Advice and Prevention – Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Prevent gastroenteritis following the consumption of contaminated water or food.
- In case of power outages,
know what to keep and what to discard in your refrigerator
- In case of power outages,
Prevent respiratory problems related to mold
Help and Resources
- In case of crisis or difficult situation: 811, option 2.
Qualified psychosocial interveners are available 24/7, 365 days a year to answer your call. They can support you, advise you, provide information, or refer you to appropriate resources in the region. If necessary, an intervener could go to the scene to intervene.ntervenant pourrait se déplacer dans le milieu afin d’effectuer une intervention.
- For non-urgent health issues: 811, option 1.
Dialing 811 allows you to quickly reach a nurse for non-urgent health issues. The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Info-Santé 811 nurses provide advice and can answer questions about health.
- For assistance with securing a residence: contact your municipality.
- For any situation where the safety of individuals is immediately compromised: 911.
Additional Information
Spring Flooding and Floods (Ville de Laval)