Before your surgery
Eras clinical pathway
You are now part of a rapid recovery program called “ERAS.” The goal of this clinical pathway is to improve your hospital stay, optimize your recovery, and reduce the time you spend in hospital.
The different sections below describe the main components of the ERAS clinical pathway:
- Optimizing your nutritional and physical health
- Decreasing your tobacco use
- Decreasing your alcohol intake
To ensure you clearly understand the ERAS clinical pathway, you must read the surgery passport entitled “Passeport pour ma chirurgie” (in French only) before your operation. You must also bring this document to all of your hospital appointments and on the day of your surgery.
Before your surgery, it is strongly recommended that you eat a protein-rich diet to improve your nutritional health before your operation and to help you recover more quickly.
Protein-rich foods:
Les exercices de Kegel
Les exercices de Kegel sont aussi appelés « exercices de renforcement des muscles du plancher pelvien ».
La complication la plus commune de cette chirurgie est l’incontinence urinaire. Celle-ci peut durer jusqu’à 24 mois après l’opération.
Ces exercices vous aideront à contrôler les pertes urinaires involontaires (incontinence urinaire) après la chirurgie. En pratiquant ces exercices, les muscles du plancher pelvien seront plus développés et renforcés.
Idéalement, vous devez pratiquer ces exercices dès l’annonce de la chirurgie par votre urologue et les reprendre au retrait de la sonde urinaire après la chirurgie.
Cet exercice ne doit pas être fait en même temps que vous urinez :
- Contractez les muscles autour de votre anus. Cet exercice renforce tous les muscles de votre plancher pelvien.
- Serrez les muscles pendant 5 secondes puis relâchez-les pour la même durée de temps. Répétez cet exercice 10 fois par jour. Il est recommandé de faire ces exercices souvent, mais sur de courtes périodes.
Pour plus de renseignements et pour plus d’exercices, consultez les conseils dans l’onglet exercices de Kegel. Prenez note que certains exercices ne vous sont pas destinés
It is strongly recommended that you completely stop smoking 2 to 4 weeks before your surgery to reduce your risk of pulmonary complications after your surgery, to improve your surgical wound healing, and to help you manage your pain after your operation.
Several resources are available to help you reduce your smoking or stop smoking altogether:
- For Laval residents: Cible-Santé (450-978-8300, option 1, extension 13169)
- Your neighbourhood pharmacist
- Your family doctor
- Quit Smoking Centre at 1-866-JARRETE (527-7383)
You can also get tips to help you stop smoking.
It is strongly recommended that you stop drinking all alcoholic beverages 7 days before your surgery.
Alcohol may interact with your own medications or those administered at the hospital and increase your risk of bleeding and complications.
If you want help right now to decrease your alcohol intake, contact:
- Alcochoix+ (Laval region): 450-622-5110, extension 64005
- Alcochoix+ (general website)
Before your surgery, it is important that you stay active to keep your body in the best possible shape. The exercise doesn’t have to be complicated.
In fact, a 15-minute walk outside near your home is enough to improve your physical condition before your surgery. If you are already active, keep up your healthy habits. For more information, refer to your surgery passport.