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  • Prostate surgery ERAS Clinical pathway

    Surgical approach

    These surgeries can be done using one of two techniques: laparoscopy or laparotomy.

    With this technique, an instrument equipped with a small camera and light is used to let the surgeon clearly see inside the abdominal cavity.

    The surgeon makes 3 to 5 small incisions (cuts) in the abdomen that are 1 to 2 centimetres long and also makes one 5-to-7 centimetre incision to remove the diseased part of the intestine. During the surgery, carbon dioxide is pumped into the abdomen to expand its walls and let the surgeon see into the cavity. The gas is then pumped out after the surgery.

    With this technique, the surgeon opens the abdominal wall with a 10- to 20-centimetre vertical or horizontal incision.

    This surgery consists of fully removing the prostate gland (including the prostatic capsule) along with the seminal vesicles and part of the ejaculatory ducts. This surgery is usually done to cure your prostate cancer, as the goal of the procedure is to remove all cancer cells.

    The part circled in red below shows the part of the prostate that will be removed.

    Terms used

    Bladder (vessie): Reservoir made of muscle that collects urine.

    Prostate: Gland located under the bladder. The prostate surrounds the urethra. It produces a fluid that creates semen when combined with sperm. These secretions make the environment alkaline and promote sperm motility.

    Seminal vesicles (vésicules séminales): These small pouches hold the sperm produced by the testicles.

    Urethra (urètre): Duct that carries urine from the bladder and semen secreted from the genital glands to the end of the penis.

    Testicles (testicules): Glands in the scrotum that create sperm. They also produce testosterone (male hormone).

    Vas deferens (canal déférent): Small duct that carries sperm from the testicles to the prostate.

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