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Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Laval
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Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Laval
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Foundations associated with the CISSS de Laval
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Accueil intégré santé social
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Comité du diagnostic et du traitement du cancer (CDTC)
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) - Employés, médecins, bénévoles et partenaires
Dépistage du cancer du col de l’utérus
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Alternatives à l’hospitalisation (ALTHOS)
Outils pour les pharmaciens communautaires
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Services en DI-TSA et DP
Vaccination contre les virus respiratoires (grippe et COVID)
Teaching and research
Enseignement et stages
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Care and services
List of care and services
Gynecologic oncology surgery
Tips to help you stop smoking
< Before the gynecologic oncology surgery
Tips to help you stop smoking
There are 4 stages to quitting smoki
Getting ready
Choosing a stop date
Coping with withdrawal
Preventing relapse
Stop smoking now
. You’re already on your way to ending your addiction to tobacco.
Take it one day at a time
. Imagine yourself as a non-smoker. Be proud of your efforts.
Ask your family and friends
not to smoke around you
a family member or friend to quit smoking at the same time as you.
Join a group
for people who are trying to stop smoking.
Ask your doctor about available
quit-smoking aids
, such as nicotine patches.
For more information:
For Laval residents:
Cible-Santé (450 978-8300, option 1, extnsion 13169)
Quit Smoking Centre
at 1 866 JARRETE (527-7383).