˂ Surgery
Colorectal surgery ERAS Clinical pathway
Surgical approach
These surgeries can be done using one of two techniques: laparoscopy or laparotomy.
With this technique, an instrument equipped with a small camera and light is used to let the surgeon clearly see inside the abdominal cavity.
The surgeon makes 3 to 5 small incisions (cuts) in the abdomen that are 1 to 2 centimetres long and also makes one 5-to-7 centimetre incision to remove the diseased part of the intestine. During the surgery, carbon dioxide is pumped into the abdomen to expand its walls and let the surgeon see into the cavity. The gas is then pumped out after the surgery.
With this technique, the surgeon opens the abdominal wall with a 10- to 20-centimetre vertical or horizontal incision.
There are different types of colorectal surgeries. The images below show the part of the bowel (outlined in black) that is removed in each procedure.
Right hemicolectomy

Resection of the appendix, cecum and ascending colon. In simple terms, this procedure consists of removing the right part of the colon.
Transverse colectomy

Resection of the “transverse” colon.
Left hemicolectomy

Resection of the left side of the colon.

Resection of the sigmoid colon.
Low anterior resection
![[Translate to English:] Résection antérieure basse [Translate to English:] Résection antérieure basse](/fileadmin/internet/cisss_laval/Soins_et_services/Hospitalisation_chirurgie/Colorectal/Resection_anterieure_basse.png)
Resection of the sigmoid colon and part of the rectum.
Abdominoperineal resection

Resection of the sigmoid colon, rectum and anus. A permanent colostomy is also done if the anal sphincter is completely removed. lostomie permanente puisque le sphincter anal a été retiré.
Total colectomy

Resection of the entire colon, as outlined in black. The rectum is not removed.

Resection of the colon, rectum and anus.