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  • Preoperative diet

    Before your surgery, it is strongly recommended that you eat a protein-rich diet.

    You received a document about your preoperative diet at your pre-admission visit. This diet will improve your nutritional status 14 days before your operation and reduce the size of your liver. This makes the surgeon’s work easier and is associated with reduced complications after the surgery. 

    People with diabetes taking hypoglycemic medication or insulin should contact their treating physician or endocrinologist to modify their dose. Because of the low amount of carbohydrates in this diet, you need to monitor your blood sugar levels to prevent hypoglycemia.

    Video: nutritionist’s tips

    Valérie Lemay, a nutritionist at the CISSS de Laval explains the preoperative diet. (From the start of the video until 2 min 18 sec. Video available in French only.)

    1 - Slim Time

    Slim Time

    Add the powder to 300 ml of water.

    4 times a day + 1 serving of fruit a day allowed.

    This product must be ordered online directly from the company:

    2 - Optifast 900 (Nestlé)


    Whey protein isolate powder, vanilla or chocolate.
    Add 3 tablespoons to 300 ml (10.14 ounces) of 1% or skim milk. 

    4 times per day + 1 serving of fruit per day 

    To order this product, you must email or fax the order form.

    3 - Slim Fast

    Slim Fast

    Advanced Nutrition Smoothie Powder 

    Add 1 scoop of the product to 250 ml (8 ounces) of 1% or skim milk.

    4 times a day + 1 serving of fruit a day allowed.

    4 - Boost diabetic

    Boost diabetic

    Ready to serve 

    4 BOOST a day + 1 serving of fruit per day

    5 - Nutribar High Protein Powder


    Add a scoop to 250 ml (8 oz) of 1% milk.

     4 times a day

    Beverages and foods that you can eat and drink:

    Water  Coffee, tea, herbal tea (sugar free, no milk/cream)  Sweeteners (e.g., Splenda™, Equal™, Sweet’n’Low™, Sugar Twin™ and Stevia)  Low-calorie powder or liquid water enhancers (e.g., Crystal Light™, Mio™)  Jello™, gelatin (sugar-free

    Coffee, tea, herbal tea (sugar free, no milk/cream)

    Sweeteners (e.g., Splenda™, Equal™, Sweet’n’Low™, Sugar Twin™ and Stevia)

    Low-calorie powder or liquid water enhancers (e.g., Crystal Light™, Mio™)

    Jello™, gelatin (sugar-free only)

    Salt and pepper, herbs and spices, vinegar, lemon, garlic

    You can also eat:

    Renée’s fat-free dressing
    Walden Farm dressing

    Raw or cooked vegetables:

    2 to 3 cups (500 ml to 750 ml) per day. 

    Only the following vegetables are allowed: broccoli, celery, mushrooms, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, lettuce, turnip, pepper, radish, bok choy. 

    No dips or dressings, except for Walden Farm or Renée’s fat-free brands.

    One serving of fruit:

    15 grapes, ½ banana, 1 small apple, 1 peach, 1 pear, 1 orange, 10 cherries, 2 clementines, 2 cups of strawberries, 2 small kiwis, 1 cup of diced cantaloupe, 1 cup of raspberries, ½ mango, ¾ cup of blueberries.

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