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  • Frequently asked questions

    Frequently asked questions

    We have put answers to common questions about this surgery into two sections:

    • before your operation
    • after your operation

    Before your operation

    Yes. Even if you are already familiar with bariatric surgery, you must attend the information session. We want you to learn about our program so that you can make the most informed decision possible.

    These steps may be different depending on your situation.

    1. You must register with the centralized appointment centre by sending a doctor’s referral to 450-975-5350. Don’t forget to include your weight and height on the referral.
    2. We will then invite you to a group information session led by a nurse, a surgeon and a nutritionist specializing in bariatric surgery. We will ask you to bring a list of your current medications and fill out documents so that we can review your file.
    3. You will then meet on your own with the nurse and the surgeon. You may then need to undergo tests such as a sleep apnea test, a gastroscopy, or blood tests.
    4. You will then have a group meeting with the nutritionist, who will go through the specifics of the diet. You will be given an appointment at the pre-admission clinic for preoperative tests, and you will be given information about your operation.
    5. When these steps are complete, we will contact you with your surgery date.

    After the information session, the wait time is approximately 1 to 2 years.

    It is difficult for us to predict wait times. If you call to find out where you are on the waiting list, please note that this is not information we can give you. However, the more complete your file is and the more steps you have taken (exams, smoking cessation, psychological evaluation), the faster your file will be processed.

    Each surgery type has advantages and disadvantages. Your surgeon will suggest the most appropriate procedure for your situation based on your needs and risk factors.

    The diet lasts two weeks.

    Yes, it is strongly suggested because this diet is rich in protein and nutrients. It will help burn the fat stored in the liver, which will make it more malleable and reduce its size. This makes the surgeon’s work easier, and this has shown to cause fewer complications following surgery. The diet also leads to better weight loss when you lose between 5% to 10% of your body mass.

    However, this diet is not recommended at times other than before your surgery.

    We do not recommend that you skip a meal either before or after your surgery.

    Skipping a meal can disrupt your appetite and body clock. Your body will then tend to store more at the next meal. After the operation, it is important to eat all your meals and snacks to ensure that you are meeting your body’s needs.

    People who lose a lot of weight and are healthier after bariatric surgery all have certain success factors in common. If you follow these same tips, you will have an excellent chance of achieving your goals too. Here are the factors that will help you succeed:

    1. Patient education: Learn about the surgery, its risks, its requirements, and the benefits of the different types of procedures.
    2. Support: Surround yourself with a network of people who want you to succeed.
    3. Participation: As soon as possible, start adopting new habits (diet and exercise).
    4. Nutrition: Change the way you eat and drink and choose healthy foods in small portions.
    5. Exercise: You won’t reach your goals without exercise.
    6. Follow-up: Go to your follow-up meetings with your health care team to get the best possible post-surgery care.


    Any surgery can cause pain. However, everyone perceives pain differently.

    When you have your surgery, you will be asked to rate your pain on a scale of 0 to 10 (0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain you have ever experienced). The idea is to keep the pain from becoming so unbearable that it prevents you from doing your normal activities. You must be able to eat, move around, and sleep without discomfort.

    If your pain increases uncontrollably and is not relieved by prescribed painkillers, call /typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altText Info-Santé 811 or the Bariatric Surgery Clinic at 450-975-5562, Monday to Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.

    You won’t be able to drive your car while you are on narcotic painkillers. This restriction is for everyone’s safety!

    You will likely be on painkillers when you leave the hospital, so plan to have someone drive you home.

    You will see your nurse, surgeon and nutritionist at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year after your operation. You will then have follow-up visits every 3 to 5 years, after which you will be followed by your family doctor.

    You must take the time to savour each bite and chew for a long time.

    At first, you will have to go by trial and error. Some types of food will be more filling, and you won’t be able to eat as much as you used to. You may feel a slight cramp in your stomach or at a spot on your back. This is a sign that you have taken your last bite.

    If you eat too quickly and don’t chew your food properly, it will pile up quickly in your stomach and create air bubbles. After you have finished the postoperative food reintroduction protocol, you should generally be able to eat between ½ to 1 cup of food in 30 minutes or less if you eat slowly.

    Yes, absolutely! You can occasionally go out to eat at restaurants. After your operation, you will obviously not be able to eat the same amount as before. Don’t hesitate to take home leftovers. Ideally, you should wait to go out to eat until after you have finished your postoperative diet.

    Quick tip: To reduce waste, order appetizers or from the children’s menu, if the restaurant allows this. 

    Once you have finished your postoperative diet, you will be able to eat approximately ¼ to 1 cup of food per meal.

    This depends on the individual, the type of surgery, and the type of food ingested, as some foods take up more space than others. It is important not to force yourself to finish a meal. As soon as you feel the first signs that your stomach is full, you need to stop eating.

    You should not skip steps. You need to give your stomach time to heal and adapt to its new structure. Otherwise, you may have complications, such as stomach leakage.

    After your operation and once you start eating solid foods, you need to wait 30 minutes before and after each meal to drink.

    The risk of drinking with your meals is that this will speed up your digestion and improve your tolerance to food quantities. This can lead to weight regain.

    You must wait at least 6 months before drinking alcohol as the operation increases the risk of a stomach ulcer. Be careful, as even a small amount of alcohol can make you feel more intoxicated than before.

    It is strongly recommended that you avoid any kind of carbonated beverage. These drinks include carbonated water, beer, champagne and colas, as they can stretch your stomach, which can in turn increase how much food your stomach can hold.

    Yes, and you will need to take them for the rest of your life. For example, you will need to take a multivitamin and a calcium/vitamin D supplement. The surgeon will prescribe these supplements depending on the type of surgery and your blood results.

    This varies for each person. At first, some foods will make you feel uncomfortable or will be hard for you to digest. During the postoperative diet, you will need to reintroduce foods gradually. You will have to go by trial and error. The important thing is to pay attention to your own tolerance.

    If your operation is a success, there is a chance that your diabetes will disappear or that your doses of insulin or antidiabetic drugs will significantly decrease.

    Studies have shown that the rate of diabetes remission is between 47% and 100% for people who have a gastrectomy and 83% for people who have bypass surgery.

    Cigarettes and all tobacco products irritate the stomach and can cause cancer.

    Tobacco slows the healing process and increases the risks of postoperative complications. We strongly advise that you do not start smoking again. You decided to have this surgery because you wanted to change your lifestyle. You have to stop smoking 4 months before the operation, so after all that effort, it would be a pity if you started smoking again.  /typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altTextGet help from the available resources.

    How much weight you lose depends on how you manage your diet after the operation. If you follow the instructions to the letter, after one year you may lose 60% to 65% of your starting weight after a gastrectomy and about 60% to 75% of your starting weight after bypass surgery.

    Patients experience a clear improvement in quality in all areas of their lives. But to achieve these outcomes, you need to make major changes to your lifestyle. If you can adopt healthier habits while you wait for your surgery, your results will be even better.

    You can go back to work about 1 month after your surgery. However, if your job is sedentary and your health condition permits, you may return to work more quickly.

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