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  • Occupational health

    The Occupational Health and Safety team at the Direction de santé publique of the CISSS de Laval offers a wide range of services to employers and workers depending on your economic sector and the priorities established by the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité au travail (CNESST).

    Our occupational health programs include evaluating workplace risks, providing information about health impacts, screening for workplace illnesses (e.g., hearing loss, asbestosis and occupational asthma) and supporting the control or elimination of these risks.

    We also provide guidance and advice to employers on emergency care and first-aid services in the event of a workplace injury or poisoning.

    Who do I contact for these services?

    Phone: 450-978-2121, # 32182
    Address: 800 Chomedey Boulevard, Tower A, Laval, Quebec  H7V 3Y4

    For a safe maternity experience

    As per the Act Respecting Occupational Health and Safety, any pregnant or breastfeeding worker may request preventive measures to ensure that her position poses no risk to her pregnancy, her unborn child, or the child she is breastfeeding. If this isn’t possible, she may be put on leave or removed from tasks that pose a risk.

    To enforce these laws, the CNESST runs the “For a Safe Maternity Experience” program.

    To access this program for employees, you must first see your doctor to describe your position and tasks. The doctor will then consult with a physician in the public occupational health network (RSPSAT) in the region to assess whether your position poses a risk.

    Who do I contact for safe maternity experience program?

    Phone: 450-978-2121, # 82001
    Address: 800 Chomedey Boulevard, Tower A, Laval, Quebec  H7V 3Y4

    Learn more

    /typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altText Website of the Réseau de santé publique en santé au travail
    /typo3conf/l10n/fr/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Private/Language/fr.locallang_accessibilityicons.xlf:external_link_new_window_altText Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité au travail (CNESST)

    0-5-30 Workplace Program

    Companies and businesses are ideal places to encourage adults to adopt healthy habits—as long as they create environments that make it easy for people to do so. 
    Anything that lets you improve staff health is an excellent investment. Workplaces that invest in prevention and employee health have been shown to:

    • Increase engagement and productivity
    • Decrease absenteeism and presenteeism
    • Improve their work environment

    The Healthy Lifestyles team of the Nursing Directorate of the CISSS de Laval invites companies to join its 0-5-30 program and get support to encourage your employees to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Démarre le chargement du fichier Click here to learn more about the 0-5-30 program (French version only)

    Who do I contact for these services?

    Contact the program coordinator
    Phone: 450 627-2530, extension 18344
    Email:  Ouvre une fenêtre pour la rédaction du courriel