Nutrition clinic
Individual meetings with a nutritionist
You can meet individually with a CISSS de Laval nutritionist for eligible health problems.
- Âge inférieur à 18 ans
- Alimentation pour sportif
- Allaitement
- Arthrite/Arthrose
- Chirurgie bariatrique
- Cirrhose sévère
- Diabète de type 1
- Dysphagie
- Fibromyalgie
- Gavage/Alimentation entérale/Alimentation parentérale
- Grossesse
- Insuffisance rénale avec débit de filtration glomérulaire inférieur à 30 (DFG < 30) ou insuffisance rénale stade 3 (DFG 30-59) avec suivi en clinique de néphrologie
- Maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique (MPOC) sévère ou avec suivi en 2e ligne
- Obésité/Surpoids à titre de motif principal de consultation
- Pratique alimentaire particulière : véganisme/ végétalisme/ végétarisme/ etc.
- Trouble de comportement alimentaire (TCA) : anorexie/ boulimie/ hyperphagie/ orthorexie/ etc.
Service description
The nutritionist will develop a nutrition plan with you to improve the control of your health problem and help you implement the plan. The goals are to help you:
- Better understand your health problem.
- Get concrete recommendations for your situation.
Who is this service for?
This consultation service is for people aged 18 years and over with an eligible health issue (see list of conditions above). To be eligible for this service, you must reside, work or study in Laval or be followed by a doctor in Laval.
You can make an appointment yourself if you know your diagnosis (see list of conditions above). You can also be referred by a health professional (doctor, nurse, kinesiologist, social worker). Here is the form to be completed by your health professional (In French).
Service format
- Offered throughout the year
- The sessions are free
- The number of meetings is determined based on the nutritionist’s evaluation
- A recognized approach to help you
- Available at the
CLSC de Sainte-Rose
- Offered in French and English
Who do I contact for this service?
You can contact us for information on the program or to register.
Phone: 450-668-1010, ext. 13169