Your child's accomodation
The legal context is to be considered in the type of lodging where your child will be accomodated.
Under which law your child receives services :
Some of our services are provided under the Act respecting health and social services. This law makes it possible to intervene in situations concerning the needs of users of health and social services. It makes possible to offer residential services to children from 0 to 18 years old with the consent of the parents as well as of the child, if he is 14 years or older.
Accomodation is done with a voluntary measure or it can be ordered by a judge in the juvenile court. In these circumstances, your consent and that of your child aged 12 and over is always sought.
To learn more about youth protection, you can visit this page.
Following an offense or a custodial sentence ordered by a youth court judge, your child will be housed in a resource tha offers specific services to young offenders,
To learn more about young offender services, you can visite this page.
The accomodation decision
First of all, the caseworker will give priority to your child to stay with his family.
However, it may be necessary for your child's interest to live in another environment. This allows you and your child to take a step back in order to prevent the current problematic situation from continuing or recurring.
At this moment, the caseworker makes it a priority to entrust your child to the people who are the more significant to him such as his grandparents and other members of the extended family. If this is not possible your child will then be entrusted to a living environment as close to a family dynamic as possible.
All decisions are made in the interest of the child so that his environment is stable, secure ans ensures his development.
Type of accomodation
To determine the type of accomodation for your child, several factors are considered including : their needs, strenghts, challenges, behaviors, ect. For young people under the YCJA, the nature of the offense will determine the type of accomodation.
Foster families are substitute living environments and welcome children from 0 to 17 years old. These environments welcome children in difficulty who are entrusted under youth protection in order to meet their needs and offer them living conditions that promote a parental-type relationship in a family context.
To become a foster family, those in charge must undergo a rigorous evaluation process in accordance with the clinical and administrative guidelines of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux and those from the establishement. These families are monitored in terms of their provision of services to the children entrusted to them by a caseworker from the CISSS de Laval.
To learn mor about foster families, you can visite this page.
Rehabilitation resources
Group homes are residences established in the community that can accomodate up to 9 young people. The social workers who work there provide rehabilitation services to young people with complex needs and collaborate with psychosocial workers as well as with schools and the community.
The Le Passage resource and the Multi-services Center (CMS) are designated as living environments offering living conditions and support to facilitate the transition to independent living for young people aged 16 to 20. These young adults do not benefit from sufficient resources and support in their natural environment.
These resources can accomodate 6 to 8 young people. The staff who work there collaborate with social workers and several community organizations by providing an individualized and progressive approach with the young person.
Rehabilitation center
Rehabiliation center for young people with adjustment difficulties
Some young people have certain difficulties requiring a little more supervision. These establishments offer rehabilitation services based on different type of supervision.
These young people are accomodated :
- Cartier rehabilitation center for young people with adjustment difficulties (teens)
- Laval's rehabilitation center for young people with adjustment difficulties (kids and teenagers, boys and girls)
In these types of resources, your child will evolve within a group made up of 7 to 12 young people. Activities of daily living are organized around this unit. In each unit, there is a program of activities and they are developed according to the needs of the group and they are developed according to the needs of the group or individualized as well as the age of young people.
Services in regular and dynamic supervision
Services in regular and dynamic supervision
Regular and dynamic support services are provided when young people require support to meet their needs in several areas of their life (school, work, leisure, human and social relation and much more. We can find young people housed in a dynamic support unit under the YPA and or the Youth Criminal Justice Act (open custody).
Safe supervision services
Intensive support services are necessary when the young person is experiencing significant difficulties and whose behaviours pose a serious risk of danger to themselves or to others due to their seriousness, intensity and reccurence. The intensive supervision program is offered in a secure unit in a physical environment that significantly regulates the behaviour and movement of young people.
To find out more about intensive support services, you can read the file : « You have been placed in an intensive supervision unit. What now?» from the Gouvernement of Québec.
Young offender services are for young people who have commited offenses under the Youth Criminal Justice Act. They include specific open custody programs (specific dynamic supervision units), closed custody and detention.
To learn more about services for young offenders, you can visit this page.
Rules and code of conduct
Rules and code of conduct
Code of conduct
The rules of unit serve to facilitate group life and maintain a good climate between people. The basic rules are simple and based on the same principles as life in society.
- Self respect
- Respect others
- Respect the environment
- Respect everybody's function
Affiches sur les mesures disciplinaires
Mesures disciplinaires 6 à 10 ans
Mesures disciplinaires 10 à 13 ans
Mesures disciplinaire 14 ans et plus
In the event of non-compliance with the code of conduct and the rules, disciplinary measures may be issued depending on the type of behavior or the seriousness of the situation.
If your child behaves in a way that endangers others or himself, as a last resort, an isolation or restraint measure will be used.
School attendance
School attendance
The obligation to attend school applies to all children aged 6 to 16, even if the child is housed in the Rehabilitation center for young people with difficulties. In collaboration with the school's services center of Laval, all units housing teenagers have a service allowing in-site schooling for young people who cannot temporarily attend a school in the community.
The child entrusted to an alternative living environment has the right to communicate in complete confidentiality with his lawyer and the director in charge of his situation as well as with the court clerks.
The child may also communicate in complete confidentiality with his parents, brothers and sisters as well as with any other person, unless the court decides otherwise. However, in the case of a child entrusted to an establishment which operates a rehabilitation center or a medical center, the executive director may refuse communicating to person other than his parents, brothers and sisters, if he consideres not to be in the best interest of the child or teen. The general director's decision must be substantiated, rendered to the child as well as to the parent if possible.
The child or his parents may appeal to the court to reverse the decision. This request is heard and judged by an urgency measure.
The court confirms or reverses the decision of the general director. He may also order the child to take certain measures with respect to the child's right to communicate in the future with the person affected by the decision or with any other person. (LPJ, art9)
The Cartier and Laval Rehabilitation Center for youth with adaptation difficulties has a procedure aimed at keeping a safe use of personal electronic devices such as cell phones, portable music players, digital camera, video camera, tablets, computers, electronic game devices and other device capable of recording and transmitting personal data.
A young person lodged may not have in his possession or use a cell phone inside the facilities in Laval and Cartier. However, the educator can return the yong person's cell phone when they leave and pick up when they return
At all times, it is forbidden to record and broadcast the image and voice of another young person living in the center, his family or a staff member.
The use of these devices may be permitted based on the analysis of certain criteria assessed by the rehabilitation center team.
Family allowance
Regarding your family allowance
Provincial family allowancel : visit the website or call 418 643-3381 or toll free number : 1 800 667-9625
Canada Child Benefit (ACE) : You can consult the Canada Revenue Agency website (ARC), or call 1 800 387-1194.
Your rights
Your rights
Do you disagree with the placement or the type of accomodation? At all times, you can consult your lawyer or legal aid.
Besoin de soutien et d'informations
Le comité des usagers est en place pour soutenir les familles et les enfants. Communiquez avec eux au 450 975-3848 ou écrivez à :
Pour en savoir plus sur le comité des usagers, vous pouvez visiter cette page.