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  • Toileting products and equipment (incontinence aids program)

    The toileting products and equipment program is for people who have a significant and ongoing impairment that affects their ability to eliminate waste products from the body.
    The main goal is to help people with disabilities lead an active life by compensating for their impairments with products and equipment (incontinence pants, catheter equipment, urine and stool collection bags, etc.).

    To access the program, the impairment must have a direct impact on the elimination of bodily waste. A medical certificate attesting to the impairment is required to determine eligibility for the program.

    Recipients receive a subsidy to purchase recognized equipment listed in the ministerial management guide. Through a group purchase program, the CISSS de Laval provides eligible clients with high-quality, safe and affordable equipment.

    Role and responsibilities

    CISSS staff member

    • Performs a yearly needs assessment to renew the subsidy. 
    • Creates an intervention plan that lists the equipment that users require for their toileting needs. 
    • Ensures that the equipment is appropriate for the recommendations. If necessary, shows the person how to use and try out the equipment and performs an annual follow-up.

    Users and their families

    • Use the equipment as per the intervention plan.
    • Must be at home to receive the equipment.
    • Notify the CISSS if they move from the region, are hospitalized, or move to a care centre.


    • Confirms in writing that the subsidy has been granted for the current year.
    • Delivers the equipment as per the terms and conditions set out in the letter.