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  • Family support

    This program is for biological or extended families living with a child or adult aged 60 or under with a disability. The program is also for parents or guardians who themselves are experiencing a disability and who need to provide for the well-being and development of their children (who may or may not have a disability themselves).

    This program also helps families and loved ones get support adapted to their needs so that they can stay involved in the life of the person with a disability. This program aims to prevent caregiver exhaustion and helps keep the person with a disability at home.

    To fulfil this goal, the program provides a subsidy to families for respite and babysitting services. The program develops and provides access to a range of respite and assistance services for clients with an intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, or physical disability (ID-ASD-PD).

    Role and responsibilities

    CISSS de Laval staff member

    • Performs a yearly needs assessment to renew the subsidy.
    • Informs families about resources in the region.
    • Creates an intervention plan that includes respite and babysitting services.
    • Reviews the agreement and program terms and conditions with the family and has the family sign the agreement.

    Users and their families

    • Express needs for respite and babysitting to their case manager.
    • Use the subsidy as per the terms of the intervention plan. 
    • Follow the program terms and conditions of the agreement with the CISSS de Laval.
    • Complete, keep and forward, upon request, supporting documents confirming the use of the subsidy.

    CISSS de Laval

    • Confirms in writing that the subsidy has been granted for the current year.
    • Pays the subsidy as per the terms and conditions of the agreement.
    • Complies with the terms and conditions of agreement with the CISSS de Laval.

    Supporting document

    The supporting documents must be completed and kept for later verification. The CISSS of Laval may send you a written demand asking you to justify the subsidy amount by presenting the below justification document and receipts.