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  • Common questions about ID and ASD

    Is My Child Developing Normally?

    If you’re concerned about the development of your child aged 6 and under, you should talk to your doctor, who can refer you to the child development clinic of the Laval Ambulatory Care Centre.

    You can also refer to this page for information on diagnoses.

    Who Can Help Me?

    Many institutions and professionals can provide you with all kinds of services. The first step is to contact Info-Social 811, option 2, to get information about different services available for your son, daughter, brother, sister, loved one or yourself. See this page: en/our-services-and-departments/liste-des-soins-et-services/deficience-intellectuelle-et-tsa-services-specialises-de-2e-ligne/repertoire-des-ressources/Resource directory

    What Do I Have To Do To Receive Services?

    If you want to receive services for yourself or your child, you must first send a request to the CISSS de Laval[US1]  (your neighbourhood CLSC). See this page: Resource directory

    There is no good or bad time to reach out. Contact us as soon as you feel the need.

    Do I Have A Choice?

    You can request services on a voluntary basis to start an adaptation and rehabilitation process with professional health care staff who specialize in intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorder, along with other partners (daycares, schools, etc.).

    Do You Have A Resource Directory?

    In addition to our ownResource directory, the website of the Ville de Laval also has a page of  resources in Laval.