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  • < Centre intégré de cancérologie de Laval (CICL)

    What to expect at your first CICL visit

    Your first visit to the Centre intégré de cancérologie de Laval (CICL) will last from two to four hours, so please plan for this amount of time in your schedule. At this visit, you’ll meet the CICL’s interdisciplinary team. These staff members will:

    • Review your medical history
    • Conduct additional exams and tests
    • Discuss treatment options with you
    • Explain the next steps

    At the end of your visit, an administrative officer will take your picture for your record. This photo lets us identify you and ensures that we give the right treatment to the right person.

    We’ll also place a bar code on the back of your hospital card. You can use this bar code to directly check in at the centre when you come.

    What to bring to your first visit

    For your first visit, you must bring:

    • Your health insurance card
    • Your hospital card
    • Your list of current medications (including supplements and vitamins)
    • Your family doctor’s contact information
    • Your pharmacy’s contact information
    • The medications you need to take during your appointment
    • If you have diabetes, please bring any food or insulin that you need to take
    • If you have a cardiac device (pacemaker), bring your device’s ID card

    We suggest that you bring a friend or family member who can help you remember all of the instructions that you’ll get at this visit.

    Cancel or change an appointment

    You need to call us as soon as possible if you can’t make it to an appointment. You also need to contact us if you want to change an appointment. When you call, make sure you have your hospital card or health insurance card handy.

    CICL phone number: 450-975-5359